design travels

NOMAD - celebrating 5 years of trading with the launch of a new collection

Introducing Nomad, active designs evoking travel nostalgia, holiday happiness and inspiring creativity. Nomad is Ruth Holly’s 3rd collection to date, a celebratory NEW collection - marking 5 years of trading. Nomad is inspired by change, the changes the business has gone through in 5 years and how that has changed Ruth as a designer and the changes nature goes through during each season.


For a while now I'm been searching for an app or system online that plots where your products go when you make a sale.

I find it incredibly inspiring and genuinely interesting to see where in the UK, and more recently the world(!) my designs travel to.

I still can't source an app, so have resorted to plotting them myself as a fun exercise and a nice distraction from "real work"! I found this website , it allows you to manually plot in points. So here's the visual of where a select few of my customers have ordered to, I didn't plot EVERY order as it was quite time consuming, but feel this gives a good overview.

These diagrams makes my heart happy :)