Hello community, hope you are well and safe and are finding ways to navigate these unprecedented times. It’s the 4th Saturday of lockdown in the UK, and I’d like to say it’s getting easier, but in fact it’s getting a little more daunting!
That said, I have been organically finding things to keep me entertained and occupied for the majority of the time. Never one for rigid plans and structure, I have been gentle with myself, allowing things to naturally develop rather than forcing myself to learn a language in 3 months or crochet a new bed spread! One thing that is beginning to emerge naturally, is my new found love of cooking.
The forced lockdown has meant that I am shopping in bulk more, shopping to last at least 2-3 weeks, then not going to the supermarket again until I have to. This has made me plan ahead more and schedule meals, making ingredients work harder and longer, and making sure I am eating well to feel well. Eating ready meals and convenience foods was never going to work long term, and would have had a negative impact on my physical and mental well being.
With more time available, cooking has become a hobby, rather than a necessity. I am experimenting with ingredients and ever the maverick, I’m being creatively rebellious with recipes! More free time has meant cooking at my leisure, other than at meal times, then freezing and batching meals for the next few weeks.
But this new ‘Nigella-me’ isn’t just thanks to Covid. In February this year I finally decided to give up meat for good. I had been toying with the idea for a long time, having never really been a huge meat eater, (but sometimes enjoying the odd bacon sandwich!) so it forever seemed a possibility. After researching the environmental impact of meat production, paired my huge love of animals, I decided to finally commit. I am now pescatarian.
I thought you may find it useful or inspiring to read a few of my most favourite recipes, so I will be logging these on the blog in the next coming months. Please do try some, and let me know your thoughts, and if you have any vegetarian or pescatarian favourites you would like to share, I would love to hear from you.
Aubergine and Red Lentil Bake
Aubergine and Red Lentil Bake served with rocket salad
Honestly, smells and tastes unbelievable! This recipe was creatively adapted from a BBC Good Food Moussaka recipe, but as always I go off-piste and didn’t have all the ingredients so here’s my version below, you will have to use some ‘executive judgement’ for your own measurements and amounts.
Serves 4
2 large mugs of red lentils
1 large aubergine
dash of virgin olive oil
large dash of tomato puree
salt and pepper
3 cloves of garlic
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
1 1/2 red onion
1 large mug of frozen peppers
dash of chilli powder
dash of cinnamon
4 new potatoes
1/2 small block of cheddar
Add lentils to a pan of water and boil till absorbed and thick, then rinse and drain.
Chop the aubergine into rounds and toss with oil, add salt and pepper then pop under grill until browned on both sides.
Cook the onion and peppers in a large frying pan or wok for 3 minutes until browned, add the garlic and tomato puree and mix.
Add the chopped tomatoes and cinnamon to the onion and pepper, simmer for 5 mins.
Chop the potatoes into rounds and do the same under the grill, add a splash of oil and salt and pepper, part cook them.
Add the lentils to the tomatoes, onion and pepper, mx together and leave on low heat while the potatoes cook.
Use a oven proof dish to layer up the lentil mix and aubergine slices, and then top with the potato slices
Spinkle grated cheddar on top and cook on gas 4 for 30 mins, until cheese is nicely melted and brown.
Serve with a healthy rocket salad.